
Juice pouches are small plastic bags used to package single servings of juice. They usually have a small, tube-like opening into which you can insert a straw. In this guide, you’ll get all the basic information you need about juice pouch bags. You’ll discover the essential qualities to look for when shopping for juice pouch bags.

1. The purpose of the juice pouch bag

Various uses for juice pouch bags include:

  • Manufacturers use juice pouch bags to package small quantities of products.
  • You can also use juice pouches for products like baby food
  • In addition to juice, you can also use juice pouch bags to pack other liquid beverages.

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2. Why is buying juice pouch bags so important?

Juice pouch bags make your products more attractive. It is an innovative way of packaging juices and other liquid products.

3. Advantages of using juice pouch bags

Gone are the days of using only traditional packaging containers such as plastic bottles. Therefore, it is important to note some of the advantages of using juice pouch bags.

These advantages are:

  • The juice pouch keeps contents fresh. Juice can easily spoil due to oxidation, but using a juice pouch bag can prevent this from happening.
  • Juice pouch bags protect the juice from the sun’s UV rays. Exposing the juice to sunlight can cause the juice to lose its flavor and nutrients.
  • Pouch bags for juice protect their contents from impurities.
  • Juice pouch bags are easy to use, recycle and dispose of.
  • Juice pouches usually have a very hard outermost layer. This tough exterior makes it harder for pests to get their juices
  • Juice sachets come in handy when you need a cold drink in an emergency, as they get cold very easily.
  • Affordable juice pouches
  • The flexibility of the juice pouch bags is also a big plus.
  • Juice pouch bags are easy to carry around because of their lightweight.
  • Opening and using juice pouch bags are very simple
  • Being made of durable materials, the juice pouch bag is a great packaging choice for kids.
  • Juice pouch bags are flexible for easy storage
  • Juice pouch bags come in different colors, making it easy to create more creative branding.
  • Juice pouch bags are very attractive when displayed.
  • Juice pouch bags are environmentally friendly.
  • Juice pouch bags are Wicketed Bags

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4. Types of juice pouch bags

There are different types of juice pouch bags to choose from. Different types of juice pouch bags have different features that make them stand out.

They include:

  • Side-sealed bags: The sides and part of the top of this juice pouch bag are sealed. The space for the juice is from the middle to the bottom of the bag. Side-seal bags are squeezable and easy to transport.
  • Stand-up pouch: As can be seen from the name, the stand-up juice pouch is an independent bag type. The standup juice pouch bags have a rounded bottom so they don’t need holes for hanging or support. The self-standing juice pouch consists of three layers. Three layers ensure that the freshness of the juice is preserved for a longer period.
  • Quad-sealed juice pouch bag: The four sides of this juice pouch bag are air-tightly sealed. The design of this pouch type makes it suitable for holding more volume juices. The four-seal juice pouch also has a bottom that allows it to be displayed individually.
  • Kid-safe juice pouch bags: The lids of these juice pouch bags are difficult to remove to prevent children from reaching the contents. Kid-safe juice pouch bags are for packaging materials that you want to keep out of the reach of children. This type of juice pouch is also very difficult to puncture or burst.
  • Alcohol juice pouch bags: These bags are made from a stronger, more barrier-resistant material. Alcoholic beverages typically spend longer on store shelves before reaching consumers. Therefore, wine bags must be made of stronger materials.
  • Juice pouch bag: This can be any type based on design, but a juice pouch bag requires certain features. The interior of juice pouch bags must be made of non-chemically reactive materials. This is mainly because juice spoils faster than other types of juice. Juice pouch bags are made of only FDA-approved materials.
  • Reusable juice pouch bag: As the name suggests, this juice pouch bag can be used multiple times. Thanks to its well-sealed lid, you can recycle this bag to store spices or other kitchen items. Reusable juice pouch bags may also have a zipper lock as a sealer.
  • Disposable juice pouch bag: This juice pouch bag is made of environmentally friendly materials. Disposable juice pouch bags are easy to dispose of and recycle. They are best for kids’ party bags and activities.
  • Plastic juice pouch bags: These bags are made of plastic and other breathable materials. Like other juice pouch bags, it’s lightweight and attractive to display.

5. Features and specifications of juice pouch bags

Different types of juice pouch bags have distinctive features in the design. All types of juice pouch bags have some common characteristics/specifications.

  • They are composed of multiple layers, with the strongest layer at the exterior.
  • The outermost layer is the polyethylene layer where you can print your product’s graphics and branding.
  • Aluminum is the innermost layer, preventing oxygen from entering and maintaining the freshness of the product.
  • The innermost layer of the juice pouch bag is made of a chemically non-reactive material.
  • A layer of paper provides extra strength and shape to the juice pouch
  • Juice pouch bags have airtight lids that act as a protective barrier from environmental elements.

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6. Juice pouch bag material selection

Juice pouch bags are made from different plastic materials, but the most popular are PET and LLDPE materials. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a very strong and lightweight polyester material. A flexible plastic material, linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) does not easily tear.

All juice pouch bags are made from approximately four layers. These layers are made of different materials with different functions.

7. How does the juice pouch bag protect the freshness of the juice inside?

Juices are often difficult to preserve because they react violently to environmental factors. The inside of the juice pouch bag is made of aluminum foil. Aluminum protects the juice from the sun’s harsh UV rays.

Exposing juices to UV light denatures them and makes the juice lose its flavor and nutrients. The aluminum foil interior acts as a protective barrier against oxidation from UV rays and environmental factors.

When you expose juices to environmental elements like moisture and air, they become oxidized and lose their freshness. Three or more layers of juice pouch bags act as a barrier between the juice and the environment. The structure of the juice pouch bag also prevents impurities from entering the juice.

8. Available sizes of juice pouch bags

Juice pouch bags are available in various sizes. Juice pouch bags are available in 80ml, 200ml, 355ml, 750ml and 1000ml. Caprisun is a very popular drink for children, usually in 200ml sachets. Other juice brands also pack their products in different-sized bags.

When trying to choose the right bag size for your brand, you have to consider a few factors.

  • First, you need to consider who your target consumers are. If your goal is to produce for small children, then you should choose the pouch size. If you produce juice for adult consumption, the size of the juice pouch bag should vary accordingly.
  • Another thing to consider is the service options your brand offers. If you want to make single-serve options, you should use small juice pouches. You should consider all of these factors before choosing a bag size for your product.

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9. Minimum order requirement (MOQ) for juice pouch bags

Minimum order requirements for juice pouches vary by supplier. For some suppliers, the minimum order quantity is as low as 10 pieces, while for others it is 100 pieces.

You can order as few as 2 juice pouch bags, but they cost more. The more juice pouch bags you order, the lower the price per item.

10. Sealing type of juice pouch bag

Like other types of bags, juice pouch bags come with different closure options. Suitable closures for juice pouches are:

1) Screw cap:

The caps are similar to cough syrup bottle caps but are made of plastic. This type of closure is suitable for juice pouches that hold more than one serving of juice. It is also suitable for single servings of fruit juice.

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2) Zipper closure:

This type of closure is most commonly found on juice pouch bags. The closure type is a zipper-like structure that you can open and reseal after use.

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3) Piercable airtight closure:

This type of closure has a weak pierceable point. The sides are sealed and not easily punctured, but the little dot in the middle is where you open it. Bags with this type of closure usually have a straw attached to allow for easy puncturing/puncturing.

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11. Safety of juice pouch bags

A juice pouch bag is a safe and healthy way to package any beverage. The interior of the juice pouch bag is made of material that prevents the growth of bacteria and mold. Additionally, most juice pouches are designed for a single serving, thus reducing the chance of spoilage.

12. Custom printed juice pouch bags VS Stock juice pouch bags

Custom-printed juice pouch bags are those bags that have a company branding or design printed on them. Juice pouch bags are regular bags without any form of art, branding or design on them.

Manufacturers prefer custom-printed juice pouch bags for various reasons such as:

  • Custom-printed juice pouch bags allow brands to have different creative designs
  • The art and graphics on custom-printed juice pouch bags can tell your brand story.
  • Custom-printed juice pouch bags look more attractive than stock bags when displayed.
  • With custom-printed juice pouch bags, you can choose from a variety of colors
  • Custom-printed juice pouch bags make your products stand out.

Although some brands still use the original juice pouch, it is rapidly becoming obsolete. Original juice pouch bags are generic and do not properly showcase the personality of the brand.

13. Application of custom-printed juice pouch bag labels

You can further customize your custom-printed juice pouch bags by attaching a personalized label to suit your taste or your event.

14. Printing options for juice pouch bags

The various printing methods available for juice pouches include metalized printing, varnish, matte and D-met printing.

1) Metallized printing:

This type of printing involves printing with metallic inks. The process of producing metallic inks is by mixing metal particles into the ink.

These metallic particles give the ink its luminescent properties, making text or artwork look shiny after printing. Metalized printing brings a subtle sheen to your creations. The main advantage of metalized printing is that it makes juice pouch bags look attractive.

2) Glazing printing:

This printing method involves applying a layer of varnish after traditional printing. Varnishes give your prints a shiny look and are waterproof.

3) Matte treatment:

Matte printing is not as glossy as metalized printing and varnishing. Printing with a matte finish keeps the juice pouch slightly rough in texture.

The main advantage of matt finishes over other finishes is that they do not have a sheen. This might seem like a drawback, but it’s easier to read this type of print in bright light.

Although matte printing is cheaper than other printing, it also has certain disadvantages. These disadvantages are:

  • Graphics aren’t as bright or interesting as metalized or painted
  • You need to have a protective plastic layer to keep the matte finish from being exposed to the elements.

4) D-met printing:

This printing process involves printing with a demetallized film. D-met stands for demetallization. Demetallization printing is a unique type of printing.

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15. The difference between juice pouch bags and traditional juice packaging

Juice pouches are a fairly new type of juice packaging. Before the invention of the juice pouch, manufacturers used glass or plastic bottles to package juice. Despite the ubiquity of juice pouches these days, some companies still stick to traditional juice packaging.

Here are some differences between juice pouch bags and traditional juice packaging.

Juice pouch bag Traditional juice packaging
1. You can print/design labels directly on the bag.2. The juice pouch bag is not very fragile. If they are dropped, they will not break.

3. More attractive than traditional juice packaging.

4. With a juice pouch bag, there is no danger for children to drink juice.

5. They freeze faster so you can use them in an emergency. For example, if you’re out of drinks during a party, juice pouch bags are a better alternative.

6. Variety of styles and design options.

7. The labels are more durable because you print them directly on the juice pouch bags.

8. In terms of storage, juice pouch bags take up less space.

9. The juice pouch bag is made of flexible material.

10. The juice pouch bag is light in weight and easy to carry.

11. With juice pouches, you can evacuate almost all contents (99%).

12. Using juice pouch bags does not add carbon to the atmosphere.

13. Juice pouch bags are more environmentally friendly because less plastic is used to produce them.

14. Reduce shipping costs.

15. Juice pouch bags are easier to handle.

1. The label must be printed separately before being applied to the bottle.2. The bottle is very fragile, even if it is plastic, it is easy to break when being dropped.

3. They are not as aesthetically pleasing as juice pouch bags.

4. The bottle may fall from the child’s hands, break, and injure the child.

5. Bottled juice, need more time to refrigerate.

6. You are somewhat limited when it comes to style and design. Most of the time your only options are plastic or glass bottles.

7. The labels may peel off or be washed off after some time.

8. Traditional juice packaging takes up a lot of storage space.

9. The materials for making traditional fruit juice packaging are not flexible.

10. Traditional juice packaging is heavier than juice pouch bags.

11. No matter how hard you try, traditional juice packaging cannot guarantee that its contents will be completely drained.

12. The production of plastic bottles emits carbon into the environment.

13. Traditional juice packaging is not as environmentally friendly as juice pouch bags.

14. Due to the weight, the shipping cost is higher.

15. Traditional juice packaging is more difficult to handle.

16. Thickness precautions for juice pouch bags

The thickness of the juice pouch depends on what you plan to put in it. The thickness of the juice pouch bag is 40 microns, 50 microns, 150 microns, and 200 microns. When choosing a juice pouch bag, try to choose a bag that is thick enough to protect the contents.

17. Quality regulations for juice pouch bags

Some organizations inspect and maintain the quality of juice pouch bags. In most countries, it is the agency responsible for monitoring the quality of edible products in the country. Before buying or importing juice pouch bags, you need to make sure they meet certain standards.

  • A quality juice pouch bag must be flexible, moisture-resistant, and air-tight.
  • During transport, juice pouch bags should resist wear and tear.
  • Perhaps the most important part of a juice pouch bag is the material it contains.

The production material of juice pouch bags should have enough layers to act as a barrier. This barrier is necessary to protect the contents from environmental elements.

18. How to ensure the quality of juice pouch bags?

When choosing a juice pouch bag, make sure your supplier puts it through a series of tests to determine its quality. Necessary tests for quality control include:

  • Compression test: This test is designed to determine how well a juice pouch bag will hold up under load. A compression test allows you to determine the breaking point of the bag.
  • Puncture resistance test: This test is to check the puncture resistance of the bag. The test is important because the bags can be punctured during shipping, exposing their contents to bacteria. A good quality juice pouch bag should be strong enough to resist some punctures.
  • Water bath test: Your supplier must place the bag in a water bath to determine how impermeable the bag is. The quality of the juice pouch bag should be such that it does not absorb moisture.
  • Seal test: This test is used to check the efficiency of the seal or closure type.
  • Tensile test: A tensile test is required to determine the flexibility of the juice pouch bag.
  • Burst test: A standard juice pouch bag should be able to withstand the rigors of shipping. You do a burst test to check this quality in juice pouch bags.
  • Drop test: You can drop the juice pouch bag from a certain height to see how it lands. This test is necessary because it tells you how fragile the juice pouch is.
  • Environmental test: The environmental test is to put the juice bag into the environmental test chamber. This includes temperature, humidity, pressure, vibration, etc. To determine if the juice bag can work properly under extreme conditions. If you are looking for environmental test chambers, please contact professional environmental chamber manufacturers.

If the juice pouch bag is of good quality, it will pass all these tests.

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19. Color options for juice pouch bags

Juice pouch bags are available in a variety of colors. The color you use for your pouch depends on your taste and brand. You can experiment with the color of the design/artwork on the bag. The type of material you plan to print on should also factor into your color choices. For example, some colors look better in matte inks, while others look better in shiny prints

20. The cost of juice pouch bags

The cost of juice pouch bags depends on the type, size, and quantity of bags you plan to purchase. Also, how much you spend on juice pouch bags depends on who your supplier is. You can get sachets for as little as $0.01 a bag, depending on how many you order. The more bags you order, the lower the price. For example, for a minimum order quantity (MOQ) of 10,000 pieces, you can get juice pouch bags for USD 0.01-0.02.

21. Factors to consider before buying juice pouch bags for kids

Be cautious when purchasing children’s products, especially edible products. Here are some important factors to consider before buying juice pouch bags for kids;

  • Child’s age: You should avoid giving juice sachets to children under 1 year old. This is because, at that age, children have not yet developed the cognitive ability to use juice pouch bags.
  • Materials for making juice pouch bags: Children have sensitive gums, if the bag is too hard, it may scratch the gums and mouth.
  • Type of closure used: Some juice pouch bags have a closure that cannot be opened by a child without adult assistance. If you’re thinking of getting juice pouch bags for a kids’ party, you might want to invest in easy-open juice pouch bags.
  • Juice pouch bag size: When buying juice pouch bags for your kids, consider buying smaller bags.
  • Brand quality: If you’re buying juice pouches, consider the brand’s standards. This is important when buying juice pouch bags for children, as you don’t want to compromise your child’s health.

22. How to use a juice pouch bag?

The main function of the juice pouch bag is as packaging for liquid food contents, such as juice, baby food, etc. Depending on the type of bag, you can recycle juice pouch bags for other purposes. If you have a lot of juice pouch bags, you can combine them into a purse or a lunch box.

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23. Tips for cleaning reusable juice pouch bags

To use a reusable juice pouch bag, you need to clean it first. Here are some tips on how to clean your reusable juice pouch bags:

  • Rinse the bag under the tap, then rinse through the sprouts and scrub the interior with a bottle brush.
  • You can also put it in the dishwasher after brushing your teeth.
  • After washing the juice pouch bags, you can hang them outside to dry, just like drying clothes.

24. Conclusion

We provide the best quality juice pouch bags to meet the needs and requirements of different customers. Even in terms of juice pouch bag price, we can guarantee a competitive price in the market. Contact us anytime to get all your juice pouch bags.

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